Alongside the archive project we have run various workshops and creative events for the community. Starting with our commissioned artists, who used a series of workshops with local communities from across Devon to shape their research and development of the projects, and continuing with a range of screenings, talks and music evenings.
We partnered with Villages in Action and M/Others on the Mic to capture the public’s responses to the footage and help its expression through creative engagement by working with our commissioned artists.
We worked with professional artist groups such as DOCLAB, a documentary development community, where Xenia and Antosh discussed approaches to documentary-making and how the archive material was used to construct their film The Memory Boom.
Other events and screenings included a screening with the Hongkongers Exeter group, a six day long presentation of the footage at Positive Light Projects, and music and screening events with the Italian Cultural Association Exeter.
Finally, we partnered with the University of Exeter to deliver workshops and talks exploring the archive from different standpoints.
Jorbein Photography
Filmmakers Xenia Glen and Antosh Wojcik partnered with Villages in Action to host a series of creative writing and recording workshops with rural communities across Devon.
One participant said: “The team were good together and the pacey delivery was excellent. I felt valued and I learned a lot.”
Holly Ebony used snippets of the songs she composed to create rounds and harmonies for the public to collectively sing in her workshops. Holly held four in-person community song-writing sessions for M/Other’s and their children. The sessions explored the archive, the themes and topics around it and collaborated in making new interpretations of the archive, which culminated in a live performance of some the material created as part of M/Others on the Mic at Exeter Library.
“A wonderfully nourishing experience. Beautiful people and fabulous, meaningful and thought-provoking songs, chats and film.” - Workshop Feedback
Identity, Empire and the Phoenix Archive Project
On Tuesday 10th September 2024 Professor Katharine Tyler presented a talk titled Identity, Empire and the Phoenix Archive Project, exploring aspects of the archive through the lens of whiteness, nationhood, class, and Empire. In so doing, she reflected on how footage of family holidays in the Caribbean, days out in Essex and the coronation procession of King George VI portray a particular classed image of Englishness/ Britishness that becomes entwined with white ethnic identity and Empire.
Click below to see a selection of footage from the archive used to illustrate the talk, an audio recording of the presentation, and a transcription.
Phoenix Archive Project Commission Premiere
Exeter Phoenix hosted a premiere for the commissioned work, with a screening of The Memory Boom by Xenia Glenn and Antosh Wojick and a live performance of Holly Ebony’s song cycle, accompanied by footage from the archive. The event was a celebration of the work that has come out of the project and chance to unveil the archive to a pack audience.